Contributors and Links to Pages 1- 4

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Page 1


Gavin Selerie: Marks Outside the Spa

Elisabeth Bletsoe: Two Poems and a Miscellany for Chris Torrance

Ian Brinton: Notes from a Correspondence with Chris Torrance

Allen Fisher: Leeks and Leaves for Chris Torrance

Elaine Randell: Chris, Barry and Me

Ian Davidson: Tripping

Peter Finch: Torrance

Tilla Brading: Pieces for Chris Torrance

Robert Minhinnick: Llia

Jeremy Hilton: Poems for Chris Torrance


Page 2

Graham Hartill and Chris Vine: Bronze Age Disco: the music of Heat Poets

Peter Hodgkiss: Interview with Chris Torrance for Poetry Information 1977

Ric Hool: 13 Friendships – To Chris Torrance

Jill Nicholls: Chris Remembered

Steven Hitchins: Glyph-licks of skitty squall: Listening to the Heat Poets

Doug Jones: from ‘Posts’

Lee Duggan: The Shades of Autumn Surging (After Torrance)

Rhys Trimble and Lee Duggan: trees trees trees

Lloyd Robson: from ‘Powhatan’

Phil Maillard: ‘In the Grip of a Ron Berry’: A Correspondence

John Goodby: In a Tongue of the Time (for Chris Torrance)


Page 3

Simon Smith: Conversations in the Mountains

Andrew Taylor: Poem and Paper for the John James Conference

Peter Robinson: Two for John James

Robert Sheppard: ‘Swift Songs’ and essay on James’ ‘A Theory of Poetry’

Peter Hughes: Life Writing: i.m. John James

Harry Gilonis: Two Poems for John James

Ian Brinton: Paper from the John James Conference 2017 and 2 Reviews

Allen Fisher: For John James

Ian Brinton: Three Letters from John James to JH Prynne

Simon Perril:‘The Words You Can and Do Remember by the Hand to Write / defy the Night’: John James and the Resistance to Gravity

Simon Perril: ‘Studio Poem’ – An Unpublished Poem by John James and a poem for John by Simon Perril


Page 4

Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani: from ‘Havana Trip’

Sascha Aurora Akhtar: Occulted Petals

Mélisande Fitzsimons: Eau


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