Sky in breadth but no range in store, moreover there are trees narrow assistant
tallness, poplars wedge a sky’s suspense
As skies drum onto land they bounce off horizon the shock is trees absorbing
(rescaling) the derision
find adjacent
filter: one telescopic
flown speck is
another haven
earliest ascension
was sky in trunk,
not yet peeling
the earth
from one spurt
(foliage) to another,
the hurt is sky
not yet in grain
for launch
Headless stalks are no better prickles before windowless sky streak it along a
tree’s brushway for actual take-off
Rarely at any world-search, the sky flies through it then dived to see how
wingless in leaf it was
All over brief earth the heavens are secondary soil trees assist it with aileron, one
flap a no longer grounded rotor
Curtained round mute shell, a thin fusilage from disaster wingless before the
heavens’ own dispelling fabric
tenting its
ground, the forest
frets itself
vertical, no sheer
skyplay then
let sky waters pre-
serve a forest’s
own tidal
oak moving like
a tuft of cloud
A lesser into flight woodland perfections obtain the poor-floor of that soaring
Havens at corner-stops, struts for any sky-bearing flight nurtured surfaces on
universal glide
Woodland mirage of terrestrial fluttering only quiet roots become aligned with
their hollow gutters, strict matters of sky
Adversary skies not accusative but resort to nominal forest innocent of material
they cloak a sum of horizon which lets leaf risk them over: shelter by traversal
forest haven
grows ravenous
unless it taper
sky off a body
a warren of trees
least queasy
barrenness from
digesting sky
until the crowns
tilt (disenmesh)
what they rotate
Tree a living abject readily overflown or a comet to a bush, hovers the gloom it
New clouds over fusiform hurdles, only a sky could leap this wooded recession
lift from the attrition but never become its own vehicle
Carbon bunches reseeding the sun across its sky semi-dust haven flotsam
preinjected at tree level
Unhoused in air but as free forest afloat skies of adjacency no longer trivial
dispensers overhead
not yet a tall
bend in forest,
does make us
twist (not test)
the heavens
unclotted sky
new woodland
rinses it
less abutment
above unless
in trees
The fleeting bearing of tree sessions (seasons) breeding (swooping) the sky: let it
be in loft
Vertebrae by which the heavens flock back to themselves not instructed but
trusted on distended root
A woodland will sow steep pasture (sky) along its after-root summits
A ridge bristling in spruce needles massed against weightless flight in what
propagates (turbo-vents) positions of flight
Hovering like a no longer reeling beyond betweenness mid-sky, granted its
horizontal graduals of ascent
air-worthy in
festoon, tree
mass dissolves
cloud morass
if predominance
of air then domes
of forest, commons
in steepage
launch (lunge)
its span, filter-
wards to
Where trees are hooded they parachute a sky gate-crashing earth at which
uncrowned heavens billow out again
Horizon as carrier (encounter) will encircle only as forest pressed lobes to the sky
Peter Larkin contributed to The Ground Aslant: an Anthology of Radical Landscape Poetry, ed. Harriet Tarlo (2011). He has published several poetry collections; among the more recent are City Trappings (Housing Heath or Wood) in 2016 and Introgression Latewood in late 2017. A symposium on his work was held at Warwick U (UK) in 2018, the proceedings to appear in the Journal of British & Irish Innovative Poetry. A new collection, Trees Before Abstinent Ground was published in late 2019.
+44(0)1873 810456 | LYN@GLASFRYNPROJECT.ORG.UK