Sarah Crewe: a letter to uncle alexei

a letter to uncle alexei is a fictional poetic postcard to a fictional uncle, Alexei Sayle. It is an exploration of the challenges of working class parenthood across psychogeographical landscapes, timeframes and mindslips.

‘Both the form and the content of Sarah Crewe’s latest experimental prose-poetry takes a psychogeographical dérive through an imagined familial relationship with the satirical humourist Alexei Sayle. The changing form of the writing between different sections alludes to the conversation style that appears in an interstitial way, highlighting the narratives where the author and the comedian appear to converse directly.
This playful, yet also seriously thought-provoking, book invites us to take this journey with the author. It is a desire-path of weaving through geographical, cultural and abstract fields that takes the reader on a drift through the socio-political milieu of a past and present Britain. The text eloquently traverses time and space, niftily flipping between different writerly moments, and I urge you to take this captivating voyage with Crewe.’

Dr Tina Richardson: Psychogeographer and Cultural Theorist


Published June 2024. Uk £11.00

Aquifer Books

ISBN: 978-1-7393462-4-9


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Aquifer Press

Glasfryn Project

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