Zoom Launch: Peter Hughes and Eléna Rivera, Lee Duggan, Tim Allen



Zoom launch of three new and forthcoming collections


Eléna Rivera and Peter Hughes; Lee Duggan; Tim Allen


Sunday, November 27th, 20.00 pm GMT






Zoom link for the event:




Peter Hughes is a poet and painter. He is also the founding editor of Oystercatcher Press, winner of the Michael Marks Award ‘for outstanding UK publisher of poetry in pamphlet form’. Peter was born in Oxford, worked in Italy for several years and is now based in north Wales. He also teaches, and has been Judith E. Wilson Visiting Fellow in Poetry at Cambridge University. Described by Tony Fraser as ‘one of the U.K.’s most interesting and unclassifiable poets’, Peter is the author of over a dozen books of poetry which include Nistanimera, The Summer of Agios Dimitrios, Allotment Architecture and The Pistol Tree Poems. Nathan Thompson describes the latter as ‘flickering, intense, innovative and utterly mesmerising’.

Peter’s Selected Poems was published by Shearsman in 2013 alongside a volume entitled ‘An intuition of the particular’: some essays on the poetry of Peter Hughes, edited by Ian Brinton. 2013 also saw the publication of Allotment Architecture, by Reality Street. In 2015 Reality Street published Quite Frankly. This substantial volume contains Peter’s unconventional versions of the complete sonnets of Petrarch.Peter has also published versions of Cavalcanti and Leopardi. His most recent books are A Berlin Entrainment (Shearsman), and Arrangements (Aquifer), a collaboration with Eléna Rivera.


Elena Rivera is a writer and translator who was born in Mexico City and raised in Paris. She is the author of several poetry collections: Epic Series (Shearsman Books, 2020), Scaffolding (Princeton University Press, 2017), and The Perforated Map (Shearsman Books, 2011), as well as numerous chapbooks including The Formal Concern, Belladonna, 2017, A Test of Labor (work in progress), (Essay Press, 2015), Atmosphered (Oystercatcher Press, 2014), and Overture(Metambesen, 2014). She won the 2010 Robert Fagles prize for her translation of Bernard Noel’s The Rest of the Voyage (Graywolf Press, 2011) and is a recipient of a 2010 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship in Translation. Her most recent translations are Body Was by Isabelle Garron (Litmus Press, 2020) and Phantomb by Isabelle Baladine Howald (Black Square Editions, 2020). She was a recent recipient of fellowships from MacDowell (2020), Trelex Paris Poetry Residency (2019) and the SHOEN Foundation (2016). She currently lives in New York City.


Lee Duggans first collection, Reference Points (Aquifer 2017) met with enthusiastic reviews in Poetry Wales, Elliptical Movements, and Litter Magazine. Her highly individual sonnet sequence Green (Oystercatcher 2019) was also met with critical acclaim. Lee’s work featured in the ground breaking anthology of contemporary Welsh innovative poetry, The Edge of Necessary (Aquifer 2018). More recently her work has appeared in Golden Handcuffs Review, Black Box Manifold, Tentacular, Tears in the Fence, Noon, Molly Bloom, Poetry Wales, Seren and Junction Box.  She has forthcoming collections from Aquifer and Contraband.


Tim Allen lives in Lancashire and helps run the Peter Barlow’s Cigarette reading events in Manchester. Previously he ran the Language club in Plymouth and edited Terrible Work. Has had a variety of books and pamphlets from Shearsman, Oystercatcher, KFS, ZimZalla, Red Ceilings and if p then q. Most recent publications are Peasant Tower (Disengagement, 2021) and A Democracy of Poisons (Shearsman 2021). Also, forthcoming from Contraband, will be Mattered by Tangents. The Aquifer book, Very Rare Poems Upon the Earth, written through 2017-18, are a series of equal length poetic improvisations in which chance plays as much a part as any conscious, or unconscious, choice. Tim calls the results as being similar to ‘the hop-skip-and-jump of jazz poetry’.




Glasfryn Project

+44(0)1873 810456 | LYN@GLASFRYNPROJECT.ORG.UK