AQUIFER BOOKS Zoom launch of three new and forthcoming collections by Robert Sheppard, Mélisande Fitzsimons, Sarah Crewe and Allen Fisher Wednesday, November 6th, 19.30 pm GMT Zoom link for the event: Robert Sheppard's Aquifer book Doubly...
The Glasfryn Project is both a website and a hub of literary/artistic activity centred around Glasfryn, a house in rural Llangattock, Powys. The website now features information and reports on events, a press, and a magazine called Junction Box.
The core of the project is its exploration and celebration of past and contemporary literatures by means of seminars, events, readings, and via the magazine and the press. But it aims also to make connections between different fields of intellectual and artistic activity and to bring practitioners in those fields together, in an open, improvisational environment, with a view to fostering new forms of creative interaction.