
Information about the Hay Poetry Jamborees, the Glasfryn Seminars, readings and launches.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 5.30 - 6.45 pm at Theatr Brycheiniog/Brecon Theatre, Canal Wharf, Brecon, LD3 7EW The Ghost Jam and Canalchemy projects come together in association with Penny Hallas' 'Canalworks' exhibition at Theatre Brycheiniog in Brecon. Hallas' work concentrates on aspects of the Monmouthshire to Brecon canal, in particular exploring the visual theatre of the major relining work carried out on one section in 2016, but attending, too, to the history of the canal by means of artefacts...

Black Mountain College USA (1933 – 1957) comes to the Black Mountains of Powys, Wales. A full weekend exploration and celebration of the work, philosophy and ongoing influence of that remarkable, mid-twentieth century educational and multi-genre artistic experimental venture. MAY 26th – 27th  The morning and afternoon sessions will be held at the Dance Studio in Crickhowell Community Sports Centre (Off New Road, Crickhowell)  The evening sessions will be held at the Crickhowell Parish Hall...

The Ghost Jam moves to London for two new episodes. On Friday 27th October at 4.00 pm it will present and perform at a conference called Translating Eurydice, organised by the Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex and the University of East London, and taking place at the Stratford Campus: Then in the evening the Orphic/Eurydicean theme will be developed further for an open audience at Centre 151, near Hoxton.  

The Ghost Jam developed as an idea from an earlier collaborative performance called Beyond Orpheus, featuring Lyndon Davies, Scott Thurston, Penny Hallas, Rhys Trimble, Anthony Mellors and Steve Boyland. This, an amalgam of poetry, film, movement, music and voice improvisation took place in the dark attic space of Undegun in Wrexham. The space was sparsely lit and the audience moved through it from one performer to another. The position of each performer and the order of the performances were...

GLASFRYN SEMINARS Remixology: cut-ups, processualism and psychogeography with Steven Hitchins and Rhys Trimble Saturday, June 17th 11am - 4.30 pm At Glasfryn, Llangattock, Powys, NP8 1PH The event comprises two sessions, from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m, then from 2.00 p.m. onwards, followed by an open-ended discussion. £12.00 (Concessions £10) Contact: Lyndon Davies, Glasfryn, Llangattock, Powys NP8 1PH Email: 01873 810456 supported by     Remixology: cut-ups, processualism and psychogeography. As 21st century poets we inherit an array of poetic devices from twentieth-century experimentation. In addition to the traditional toolkit of rhyming, rhythmic and phonological effects, we have a plethora of processual, procedural, conceptual and performative approaches: ways of circumventing conscious intention, defamiliarising expectations and disrupting syntax to form new connections. In this seminar-workshop Rhys Trimble and Steven Hitchins will consider the many reasons for using such methods, the different experiences engendered and what it's like to engage with such work as readers and writers. They will begin by looking...

      The third Ghost Jam took place at Dempsey's Bar in Cardiff on November 13th 2016.The contributors were Steve Hitchins, Lyndon Davies, Rhys Trimble, Nia Davies, Penny Hallas, Anthony Mellors, Tilla Brading, Chris Paul and assorted members of the audience. There were also three individual readings, by Phil Maillard, Julia Lewis and Josh Robinson. The sound track is by Steven Hitchins, visuals by Lyndon Davies.

GLASFRYN SEMINARS Forcing Change: Disruption, Transformation and the Poetic with Nia Davies and Tamara Dellutri Saturday, November 12th 11am - 4.30 pm At Glasfryn, Llangattock, Powys, NP8 1PH The event comprises two sessions, from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m, then from 2.00 p.m. onwards, followed by an open-ended discussion. £12.00 (Concessions £10) Contact: Lyndon Davies, Glasfryn, Llangattock, Powys NP8 1PH Email: 01873 810456 supported by     By homely gift and hindered Words The human heart is told Of Nothing — "Nothing" is the force That renovates the World — Emily Dickinson   Poetry makes nothing happen, Auden said, but what kind of nothing? Is it Emily Dickinson’s nothing, ‘the force that renovates the world'? In a techno landscape where capital has become the most oppressive and decisive political denominator, a world where all verbal and formal challenges to the status quo are quickly appropriated to capital's own ends, in the face of fast-deteriorating social bonds, we can well ask if ‘transformation’ is really possible.   Writing of the capability of poetry to create new meaning...

GLASFRYN SEMINARS Radical Landscape / Romantic Consciousness with PETER LARKIN and ALLEN FISHER Saturday, April 23rd 11am - 4.30 pm The event comprises two sessions, from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m, then from 2.00 p.m. onwards, followed by an open-ended discussion. £12.00 (Concessions £8) Contact: Lyndon Davies, Glasfryn, Llangattock, Powys NP8 1PH Email: 01873 810456 supported by       Peter Larkin's first session will be looking at quotes...

The first Ghost Jam experiment - October 2015 - brought together a group of artists, writers and performers, most of whom knew at least some of the others. The venue was the scout-hut in Crickhowell, a small town in Powys. There was a small audience. The group comprised a visual artist, Penny Hallas, who had made two films for the occasion, eight poets/writers and a movement artist called Emma Lewis-Jones, from Nottingham, whose role was to respond in any way she saw fit to what was happening....

Glasfryn Project

+44(0)1873 810456 | LYN@GLASFRYNPROJECT.ORG.UK